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Wegweisende Literatur der Gegenwart |
Neue Sirene
First Time Publications of Established Authors
Issue 29/2015 (Ordering)
Antonio Machado: I. Sube y sube, pero ten ... / Steige und steige, aber hab ..., Poem. First time publication, new translated from Spanish by Karl Kirsch.
Issue 28/2014 (Ordering)
Marcel Proust: Regrets et rêveries, Prose. First time publication, new translated from French by Constanze Grum.
Issue 26-27/2011 (Ordering) Liao Yiwu: Günter Grass. Vernarrt in Jin Ping Mei, Liao Yiwu in disputation with Günter Grass. First time publication in German translation. (Liao Yiwu was awarded the famous Geschwister-Scholl-Prize in 2011 and the Peace Prize of the German Book Trade in 2012.)
Issue 24-25/2009 (Ordering)
Ana Blandiana: "Im Augenblick der Empfindung", Poems. First time publications, translated from Romanian by Ruxandra Niculescu. (See the notes ad Issue 7.)
Issue 23/2008 (Ordering)
Louis Aragon: La Rose et le Réséda, Poetry of the Resistance. Translated from French by Christa Geitner. First time publication in German translation. (Louis Aragon is esteemed a co-founder of French Realism. Due to its sound construction this poem is famous in France until today.)
Issue 22/2007 (Ordering)
Marc Djizmedjian: Unter der Blutbuche, 1. Part (Vol. 23, 2. Part), Prose. First time publication in German. (Marc Djizmedjian was awarded the famous Liga-Bank-Preis for essay writing at the Catholic University of Eichstätt in 2016.)
Christoph Janacs: aus den fugen geraten, Short Prose. (The very well known author of poems and prose was granted the Literary Stipend of the Government of Austria in 2005 and 2013.)
Issue 21/2007 (Ordering)
Jean Cocteau: Madame Rumilly, Story. First time publication in German translation. (Jean Cocteau is considered a pioneer of Postmodernism.)
Issue 20/2005 (Ordering)
Kiki Dimoula: Eine Version der Schöpfung, Poems. First time publication in German translation. (Kiki Dimoula was awarded the Prix Européen de Litteràture in 2010.)
Lorand Gaspar: Sommergedichte in Sidi-Bou-Saïd, Poem. First time publication in German translation. Lorand Gaspar was awarded the most prestigious prizes, including, among others, the Grand Prix de Poésie de la Ville de Paris (1987) and the Grand Prix National de Poésie (1994).
Raffaello Baldini: Carta Canta, Play. First time publication in German translation. (Raffaello Baldini, one of the most famous poets of Italy, also wrote dramatical plays.)
Issue 19/2005 (Ordering)
Rainer Maria Rilke: Poems from "Vergers", Poems.
First time publications of poems by Rilke, originally written in French. (The world-famous poet Rainer Maria Rilke lived from 1875 to 1926. It is not a very well known fact that he also wrote poems in French which are now, for the first time, available as German translations.)
Mario Wirz: Flugblätter, Poems. First time publications. (Mario Wirz is one of the most famous poets in Germany. His poems have been translated and published in French, Hungarian, Greek, Ukrainian, and American English.)
Issue 18/2004 (Ordering)
Raffaello Baldini: Im Dialekt von Santarcangelo, Poems.
First time publications in German translations.
(Raffaello Baldini became famous at a relatively late stage of his career. It was the well known P. V. Mengaldo who first recognized him as one of the most important poets of Italy.)
Tuvia Rübner: Entwicklungsbedürftige Gedanken, Aphorisms. First time translations in German. (Rübner has teached Hebrew and German Literature at the University of Haifa. For his work he is now awarded the literary prize of the Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung.)
Issue 17/2003 (Ordering)
Matthew Sweeney: "bis ans andre Ende Irlands", Poems.
First time publications in German, partially also in English first time publications, translated from English by Dörte Eliass.
(Matthew Sweeney is one of the most famous poets in Irland. Poems of Matthew Sweenew have been translated into Spanish, Italian, Latvian, Romanian, and Dutch.)
Issue 16/2002 (Ordering)
Cecilia Vicuña: "Das Wort ist ein Faden und der Faden ist Sprache", Poems.
She is one of the most famous poets and performance actors of Chile.
Theodor Weißenborn: Sprecher der Sprachlosen. Zur sozialen Aufgabe einer Literatur, die sich als gesellschaftliche Einrichtung versteht, Essay. He published novels, narrative stories, radio plays, essays and poems in Germany. (His works have been translated and published in 26 different languages.)
Theodor Weißenborn: Die Welt im Haigerloh, Story. He published novels, narrative stories, radio plays, essays and poems in Germany. (His works have been translated and published in 26 different languages.)
Wjatscheslaw Kuprijanow: Dichter-Clips and Partei-Clip, Poems. First time publications in German translation. (Wjatscheslaw Kuprijanow is a well known author of poems and prose. In Russia he became especially famous for his translations of works by Friedrich Hölderlin, Novalis, Hugo v. Hofmannsthal, Ernst Jandl, Günter Eich, Karl Krolow, H. M. Enzensberger, Rose Ausländer etc.)Issue 15/2002 (Ordering)
Gintaras Grajauskas: "am anfang war es so gewöhnlich", Poems.
First time publications in German, translated from Lithuanian by Vytautas Karalius.
(Poems of Gintaras Grajauskas have been translated into English, Swedish, Latvian, Polish, German, and Russian.)
Alexandros Issaris: Schicksale in Berlin. Adagio, Prose. First time publications in German, translated from Greek by Sophia Christiane Gollek. (In Greece, Alexandros Issaris not only is a very famous writer of prose and poetry. He was also awarded the National Translator's Prize for his translation of Thomas Bernhard's Beton in 1997.)
Moshe D. Shafrir-Stillmann: "das wäre vorläufig alles", Poems. First time publications in German, translated from Hebrew by Manfred Winkler and Kurt Aronsohn. (Moshe D. Shafrir-Stillmann is now a famous poet in Israel and the English speaking world. He worked as a geologist, politician, and teacher.)
Issue 14/2001 (Ordering)
Ana Luísa Amaral: "Die größte Demo", Poems.
First time publications in German, partially also Portoguese first time publications, translated from Portoguese by Luísa Costa Hölzl.
(Ana Luísa Amaral is one of the most famous female poets of Portugal.)
Rafal Wojaczek: Lebenslauf. First time publications in German, translated from Polish by Gregor Simonides and Tobias Rößler. (Rafal Wojaczek gained cult status with the rebelling youth movement of the sixties and seventies.)
Issue 13/2000 (Ordering)
Emine Sevgi Özdamar: Der Hof im Spiegel, Prose. First time publications in German. Her prose has been translated into English, Spanish, Greek, Finnish, Norwegian, Dutch and French. Emine Sevgi Özdamar was awarded the most prestigious prizes. 2012 she was awarded the Alice-Salomon-Prize for Poetics. (See also Issue 10.)
Katerina Angelaki-Rooke: Poems from Penelopes verstreute Zettel. Nearly all of these poems are first time publications in German, translated from Greek by Sophia Christiane Gollek. Katerina Angelaki-Rooke was awarded the Greek National Award for Poetry in 1985. (See also issue 7.)
Gerrit Kouwenaar: "Auf diesem wasser treibt man", Poems. First time publications in German, translated from Dutch by Volkmar Mühleis. Gerrit Kouwenaar was awarded the most prestigious prizes, including, among others, the P. C. Hooftprijs (1971) and the Prijs of the Nederlandse Letteren (1989).
Issue 12/2000 (Ordering)
Itzik Manger: Und es ward Abend, und Morgen ward, Poems. First time publications in German, translated from Yiddish by Manfred Winkler. Itzik Manger is considered the most important Yiddish writer.
Issue 11/1999 (Ordering)
Blaga Dimitrova: Balkan-Höllen-Spiele, Poems. First time publications in German, translated from Bulgarian by Anna Dimova. Blaga Dimitrova is the most famous contemporary female poet of Bulgaria. She was awarded the KOGGE-Literaturpreis der Stadt Minden in 2001.
Israël Eliraz: Entfernt; Cycle of poems. Weiße Gedichte an Gaspard, Cycle of poems. First time publications in German, translated from Hebrew by Barbara Linner. Israël Eliraz wrote short stories, prose, novels and poetry as well as dramatic plays and operas that have been put on in Israel and many other countries.
Manfred Winkler: "im Antlitz der Gegenwärtigkeit", Poems. Manfred Winkler writes in Hebrew and German. His poems have been translated into fourteen languages.
Asher Reich: "Licht der Glühkäfer", Poems. First time publications, translated from Hebrew by Lydia and Paulus Böhmer. Asher Reich is one of the best known and most influential poets of Israel.
Gu Cheng: Die Welt und ich, Poems. First time publications, translated from Chinese by Peter Hoffmann. Gu Cheng is one of the most famous Chinese exile authors.
Issue 10/1999 (Ordering)
C. K. Williams: "Von nun an", Poems. First time publications in German, translated from English by Walter Thümler. C. K. Williams is one of the most innovative authors of his generation. He was awarded many prizes including the National Book Critics Award.
Emine Sevgi Özdamar: Schwarzauge und sein Esel, Prose. Mein Istanbul, Prose. (See the notes ad Issue 13.)
Mo Yan: Meilis Selbstmord, Literary report, translated from Chinese by Vera M. Schick. Mo Yan's novel Das rote Kornfeld (Hong goaliang jiuzu) became a world-wide success through the film adaption by Zhang Yimo.
Miltos Sachtouris: "keiner kennt ihn, den Toten, den Vagabunden", Poems. First time publications in German, translated from Greek by Dadi Sideri-Speck. Poems of Sachtouris have been put into music by composers as famous as Chatzidakis, Spanos, and Kunadis.
Issue 9/1998 (Ordering)
Pia Tafdrup: "Frostklares Knistern", Poems.
First time publications, translated from Danish by Hanns Grössel. In Denmark Pia Tafdrup has published nine books of poetry with great success.
Paula Meehan: "Wo ich am Schluß liege, den Platz werde ich Zuhause nennen", Poems. First time publications, translated from English by Dörte Eliass. Paula Meehan is recognized as one of the most important contemporary female poets in Ireland.
W. S. Merwin: "Einheimische des Jetzt", Poems. First time publications, translated from English by Jürgen Brocan. W. S. Merwin was awarded the most prestigious poetry prizes of the US, including, among others, the Pulitzer Prize, the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize, and the National Book Award Prize.
Emily Dickinson: "Brücke ohne Kai", Poems. First time publications, translated from English by Walter Thümler. What more can one say about Emily Dickinson?
A. R. Ammons: "ungebrochen aufs meer gesiegelter himmel", Poems. First time publications, translated from English by Jürgen Brocan. A. R. Ammons was awarded the most prestigious poetry prizes of the US, including, among others, the Pulitzer Prize and the Ruth Lilly Poetry Prize.
Issue 8/1998 (Ordering)
Izet Sarajlić: "Daß ich das alles überlebe", Poems. First time publications in German, translated from Serbo-Croatian by Marina Achenbach. Poems of Izet Sarajlić have been translated into English, French, Italian, Russian, Turkish, and Chilean.
Gu Cheng: Ode an die Welt, Poems. First time publications, translated from Chinese by Peter Hoffmann. (See the notes ad Issue 11)
Issue 7/1997 (Ordering)
Ana Blandiana: "Was fehlt uns?", Poems. First time publications, translated from Romanian by Julia Schiff. Ana Blandiana was awarded the most important Romanian literary prizes.
Wallace Stevens: "Das Unvollkommene ist unser Paradies", Poems. New translations from English by Hans Joachim Lechler. Doubtless one of the greatest American poets of the last century.
Denise Levertov: Ein Baum erzählt von Orpheus, Poem. First time publication, translated from English by David Roosma and Irene Landgraf. Denise Levertov is considered one of the most important contemporary female poets.
Katerina Angelaki-Rooke: Kriegstagebuch, Poems. First time publications, translated from Greek by Sophia Christiane Gollek. Katerina Angelaki-Rooke was awarded the Greek National Award for Poetry in 1985.
Angela Carter: Körper und Spiegel, Prose. First time publication, translated from English by Barbara Bohrer. This is a piece of her larger work being translated into German since 1982.
Dietrich Krusche: Taxi in die Vergangenheit, Prose. Dietrich Krusche, Professor for Literature, is the author of many scientific and literary works. Neue Sirene has published the following brilliant literary pieces: Dromedar, Prose, Neue Sirene 8/1998. Die Fremde einer literarischen Gattung. Der Weg des japanischen Haiku nach Europa; Essay, Neue Sirene 3/1995. Innen - Außen, Poems. (See the notes ad Issue 2)
Issue 6/1997 (Ordering)
Eduardo Galeano: Die lebenslustigen Hexer und andere Geschichten, Prose. First time publications, translated from Spanish by Carina von Enzenberg. Eduardo Galeano has become world-wide famous through his Las venas abiertas de America Latina.
Issue 5/1996 (Ordering)
Sohrab Sepehri: "Wo ist des Freundes Haus", Poems. First time publications, translated from Persian by Hossain Mansouri. Sohrab Sepehri (1928-1980) is considered - aside from Forugh Farrochsad - one of the most read authors of Iran.
Yoko Tawada: "Der Hase des Disputs", Poems. First time publications, translated from Japanese by Peter Pörtner. (In 2013 Yoko Tawada received the Erlanger Literaturpreis für Poesie als Übersetzung.)
Mahmud Darwish: "Man grüßt uns in allen Sprachen", Poems. First time publications, translated from Arabian by Stefan Weidner. Mahmud Darwish is one of the most famous Palestinian poets.
Asher Reich: "Das Auge meiner Verletzung", Poems. First time publications, translated from Hebrew by Tuvia Rübner. (See the notes ad Issue 11)
Sylvia Plath: Poems from Crossing the Water. First time publications, translated from English by Christine Koschel. Sylvia Plath has gained a much renowned cult status.Issue 4/1995 (Ordering)
Gellu Naum: "Die brutale Faszination der Wörter", Poems. First time publications, translated from Romanian by Oskar Pastior. Gellu Naum is one of the most innovative poets being considered surrealists.
Maria Laina: "Gewundenes Lied leise geflochten", Poems . First time publications, translated from Greek by Dadi Sideri-Speck. Maria Laina was awarded the Greek National Award for Poetry in 1994.
Issue 3/1995 (Ordering)
Heribert Prantl: Die Würde des Menschen steht im Konjunktiv, Rede. First time publication. (The well known German journalist was awarded the Brüder-Grimm-Prize in 2013.)
Stéphane Mallarmé: New translation of the poem À la nue accablante tu .... In his attached essay Axel Sanjosé provides the reasons why the received translations of Mallarmé's poem do not suffice. (Lecture: "Epochen der französischen Literatur II", Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen, 2008.)
Vasko Popa: "Wir füttern dem Drachen die Erde", Poems. First time publications, translated from Serbian by Hans-Joachim Lanksch. Vasko Popa is the most translated Serbian poet.
Issue 2/1994 (Ordering)
Klaus Böldl: "Bericht über Tamm", Prose. First time publication in German. (The author of many literary and scientific works was awarded the Friedrich-Hebbel-Prize in 2013.)
Giorgis Pavlopoulos: "Die Dichtung ist eine offene Tür", Poems. First time publications, translated from Greek by Dadi Sideri-Speck. Poems of Giorgis Pavlopoulos have been translated into Polish, Russian, French, and English.
Eugenio Montale: Poems from his Diario postumo. First time publications, translated from Italian by Christine Koschel. Eugenio Montale was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1976.
Imre Kertész: "Der überflüssige Intellektuelle", Essay, translated from Hungarian by Kristin Schwamm. Imre Kertész is the most successful Hungarian novelist enjoying world-wide reputation.
Dietrich Krusche: Innen - Außen, Poems. (See the notes ad Issue 7)
Issue 1/1994 (Ordering)
Jens Smærup Sørensen: "Brief an den Teufel", Prose. First time publications, translated from Danish by Roland Hoffmann. Jens Smærup Sørensen is one of the most famous Danish authors writing prose.
Kasëm Trebeshina: "Schweigen ist zu hören", Poems. First time publication in Albanian and in German, translated by Hans-Joachim Lanksch. Kasëm Trebeshina is one the highest estemeed writers in Albania.
Mo Yan: "Durchsichtiger roter Rettich", Prose. First time publications, translated from Chinese by Susanne Hornfeck in cooperation with Wang Jue. 2011 he was awarded the Mao Dun Literature Prize by the Chinese Writers Association. Mo Yan was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 2012. (See the notes ad Issue 10)Main | Contents of all Issues | Current Volume | Digital Volumes for Download | Reviews | Conception | Authors | Photo Art | Events | Contact | Advertizing | Ordering |